What is service provider in laravel

In Laravel, service providers are the central place to configure and bootstrap application services. It is responsible for binding classes into the service container and registering services with the application.

In another way we can say that Service providers are a foundational concept that allows us to encapsulate the registration and bootstrapping of various services within Laravel application.

Service providers are the connection point between our package and Laravel. A service provider is responsible for binding things into Laravel's service container and informing Laravel where to load package resources such as views, configuration, and localization files.

There are various by default service provider you can see in your Laravel Application inside the [ App/providers ]. Like

  1. AuthServiceProvider.php
  2. AppServiceProvider.php
  3. RouteServiceProvider.php
  4. BroadcastServiceProvider.php  etc.

Why we can use service provider in Laravel ?

We can use "Service providers" in Laravel due to some several reasons. Here’s we would want to use them in our application:
service providers are a foundational aspect of Laravel’s architecture. They provide a way to manage the lifecycle of services, promote clean and modular code, and facilitate dependency injection, making your application easier to develop, maintain, and test. Using service providers effectively can lead to a more organized and scalable application.

  1. Centralized Service Registration
    Service providers centralize the registration of services, making it easier to manage dependencies and configurations in one place. This promotes better organization within your codebase.
  2. Decoupling and Modularity
    They allow for a decoupled architecture. By encapsulating the setup and registration of services, you can create modular components that can be reused or replaced without affecting the rest of your application.
  3. Dependency Injection
    Service providers enable dependency injection by binding classes to the service container. This allows you to resolve dependencies easily throughout your application, making your code cleaner and more testable.
  4. Configuration Management
    You can load configuration files, define environment-specific settings, and register settings in the service provider. This helps manage application configurations in a systematic way.
  5. Bootstrapping
    The boot method in service providers allows you to execute code after all service providers have been registered. This is useful for setting up event listeners, middleware, routes, or any other necessary initialization logic.
  6. Ease of Testing
    By using service providers, you can mock services during testing, allowing for more isolated and focused unit tests. This makes it easier to test individual components without relying on the entire application context.
  7. Custom Service Creation
    You can create your own services, such as API clients, repositories, or any shared logic, and bind them to the service container through service providers. This way, you can keep your business logic separated from the framework’s core.


Example : Greeting Service
Let see an example of service provider. We want to create  a simple greeting service using a service provider in Laravel. This example will help illustrate how to create a service, bind it to the service container, and use it in a controller.

Following is few steps

  1. Create the Greeting Service Class
    First, we create a simple service class that generates a greeting message, so create folder "services" inside the App folder. "app/Services/GreetingService.php" like this. now past the below code.
     namespace App\Services;
     class GreetingService{
          public function greet($name){
              return "Hello, {$name}!";
  2. Create the Service Provider
    Now, let’s create a service provider for the greeting service:
    php artisan make:provider GreetingServiceProvider
  3. Register the Greeting Service
    namespace App\Providers;
    use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
    use App\Services\GreetingService;
    class GreetingServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider{

    public function register(){

    // Bind the GreetingService to the service container
    $this->app->singleton(GreetingService::class, function ($app) {
    return new GreetingService();

    public function boot(){
    // Optional: any bootstrapping logic can go here
  4. Register the Service Provider
    Add your new provider to the config/app.php file under the providers array:

    'providers' => [
          // Other Service Providers

  5. Create controller for Greeting service and use it.
    Now, you can create controller of GreetingService and us it.
    php artisan make: controller  GreetingService
    Now put the below code
    namespace App\Http\Controllers;
    use App\Services\GreetingService;

    class GreetingController extends Controller{

    protected $greetingService;
    public function __construct(GreetingService $greetingService){
    $this->greetingService = $greetingService;

    public function greet($name){
    // Use the greeting service to generate a greeting
    $message = $this->greetingService->greet($name);
    return response()->json(['message' => $message]);
  6. Define a RouteFinally, define a route to access your controller method. In your routes/web.php (or routes/api.php for an API):
         use App\Http\Controllers\GreetingController; 
         Route::get('/greet/{name}', [GreetingController::class, 'greet']);

    How It Works

  1. GreetingService: This service simply generates a greeting message.
  2. GreetingServiceProvider: This provider binds the GreetingService to the service container, allowing for dependency injection.
  3. GreetingController: This controller uses the GreetingService to return a greeting message as a JSON response.
  4. Route: The route defines a simple GET endpoint to access the greeting functionality.

    Now you can test your setup by accessing the route in your browser or via a tool like Postman:

    GET http://your-app.test/greet/John